COSMOSHINE SRF® (Super Retardation Film)│TOYOBO PRODUCT LINEUP│Industrial Films Department │TOYOBO
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  • Super Retardation Film COSMOSHINE SRF®


  • A super retardation film featuring a retardation that far exceeds the interference region.
    Using PET, a common material, our proprietary stretching tehcnology, and inline coating technique, this film offers superb cost performance.
    Combined with LED light source, this unique film eliminates tinting (rainbow pattern) caused by birefrincence.


  • Though being stretched film, this film eliminates tinting (rainbow mura) caused by birefringence
  • This film converts light beams from liquid crystal panel into more natural light (depolarization)
  • Inline coating causes the film to achieve positive adhesion to various types of resins and adhesives

Magnitude of Interference
SRF is a birefrincent material but there is no rainbow pattern (using LED backlit)

  • When PET film is sandwiched between polarizing plates, a rainbow pattern becomes visible (double reflactor).
  • SRF is a double refractor but there is no rainbow pattern.


Item Unit Cosmoshine SRF® Our conventional product
TA044 A4360
Thickness - µm 80 100
Light transmittance - % 92.9 91.4
(internal haze)
- % 0.7
Tensile strength at break MD MPa 83 221
TD 321 262
Elongation at break MD % 6 138
TD 70 92
R0 in-plane retardation - (nm) 8,400 3,200
UV transmittance (370nm) - (%) ≦ 2.0 -
Primer coating Outside PVA & H/C adhesion Adhesion improvement (general purpose)
Inside PVA & H/C adhesion Adhesion improvement (general purpose)

(Above data is typical value, not guaranteed value.)


Typical applications ①
PVA polarizer protective film

Can be used as a protective film for two-upper and lower polarizers. Usually, a TAC film is used as polarizer protective film; however, in severe operating environments, moisture permeability with this material often leads to problems including uneven images and image quality degradation. Use of SRF is expected to solve these problems and make LCD panels more reliable.

Typical applications ②
Elimination of blackout for sunglasses users

Depolarization experiment

When a polarizing plate (sunglasses) is placed over the liquid crystal display, light does not pass through and the screen appears completely dark. If the SRF is inserted diagonally, the light emitted from the liquid crystal display is covered into more natural light, so the screen becomes visible.


  • For inquiries and consultations regarding our products, please contact us.
