Appearance Light yellow amorphous powder, lyophilized
Activity GradeⅠ 15 U/mg-solid or more
(containing approx. 30 % of BSA)
Contaminant α-Amylase ≤ 5.0×10-4 %
Stabilizers BSA, glutathione (reduced)


Stability Stable at −20 ℃ for at least one year(Fig.1)
Molecular weight approx. 110,000
Isoelectric point 7.3 1)
Michaelis constants 2.8×10-3 M (p-Nitrophenyl-β-D-glucopyranoside), 3.3×10-3 M (2,4-Dichlorophenyl-β-D-glucopyranoside)
Structure 2 subunits per enzyme molecule
Optimum pH 5.5(Fig.4)
Optimum temperature 50−55 ℃(Fig.5)
pH Stability pH 6.0−9.0 (25 ℃, 64 hr)(Fig.6)
Thermal stability below 50 ℃ (pH 7.3, 1 hr)(Fig.7)
Effect of various chemicals (Table 1)


This enzyme is useful for structural investigation of carbohydrates and for enzymatic determination of α-amylase in combination with α-glucosidase (AGH-211) in clinical analysis.




The formation of p-nitrophenol is measured at 400 nm by spectrophotometry.

Unit definition

One unit causes the formation of one micromole of PNP per minute under the conditions detailed below.



A. Acetate buffer, pH 5.0 (at 25 ℃) 0.1 M
B. PNPG solution 20 mM (603 mg p-nitrophenyl-β-D-glucopyranoside/100 mL of H2O)(Stable for two weeks if stored at 0−5 ℃)
C. Na2CO3 solution 0.2 M (21.2 g Na2CO3 /1,000 mL of H2O)
D. Enzyme diluent 10 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.0 containing 0.2 % of BSA.


1. Prepare the following reaction mixture in a test tube and equilibrate at 37 ℃ for approximately 5 minutes.

1.0 mL 0.1 M Acetate buffer, pH 5.0 (A)
0.5 mL Substrate solution (B)
Concentration in assay mixture
Acetate buffer 50 mM
PNPG 5.0 mM
BSA 0.05 mg/mL

2. Add 0.5 mL of the enzyme solution* and mix.

3. After exactly 15 minutes at 37 ℃, add 2.0 mL of Na2CO3 solution (C) to stop the reaction and measure the optical density at 400 nm against water (OD test).

At the same time, prepare the blank by mixing the reaction mixture with 2.0 mL of Na2CO3 solution (C) after incubation for 15 minutes at 37 ℃, followed by addition of the enzyme solution (OD blank).

*Dissolve the enzyme preparation in ice-cold 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer pH 7.8 (approx. 1 mg/mL) and dilute to 0.006−0.022 U/mL with the enzyme diluent (D), immediately before the assay.


Activity can be calculated by using the following formula :

  • Volume activity (U/mL) =

  • ΔOD (OD test−OD blank)×Vt×df


  • = ΔOD×0.0295×df

Weight activity (U/mg) = (U/mL)×1/C

Vt : Total volume (4.0 mL)
Vs : Sample volume (0.5 mL)
18.1 : Millimolar extinction coefficient of p-nitrophenol under the assay condition (cm2/micromole)
1.0 : Light path length (cm)
t : Reaction time (15 minutes)
df : Dilution factor
C : Enzyme concentration in dissolution (c mg/mL)


1) A.K.Grover, D.D.Macmurchie and R.J.Cushley; Biochim.Biophys.Acta, 482, 98 (1977).

(Characteristics ofβ-Glucosidase from almond)

2) R.Heyworth and P.G.Walker; Biochem.J., 83, 331 (1962).

3) J.H.Hash and K.W.King; J.Biol.Chem., 232, 395 (1958)

Table 1. Effect of Various Chemicals on β-Glucosidase

[Residual activity after 1 hr-treatment at 30 ℃.]

  • Chemical Concn.(mM) Residual
    None - 100
    Metal salt 0.5
    CaCl2 92.7
    FeSO4 94.1
    CoCl2 95.5
    ZnCl2 95.0
    CuSO4 94.5
    HgCl2 99.8
    CrCl2 93.9
    MgSO4 96.8
    SnCl2 93.6
    CdCl2 93.0
    AgNO3 92.7
    NiCl2 95.5
  • Chemical Concn.(mM) Residual
    MnCl2 94.3
    BaCl2 93.9
    FeCl3 99.8
    o-Phenanthroline 0.5 94.3
    α,α′-Dipyridyl 0.5 94.3
    Borate 25 94.1
    PCMB 0.05 94.5
    MIA 0.5 89.3
    NaF 0.5 96.6
    NaN3 10 98.9
    EDTA 5.0 96.1
    Triton X-100 0.5 % 102.3
    Na-cholate 0.5 % 99.5

PCMB, p-Chloromercuribenzoate; MIA, Monoiodoacetate; EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetate.

  • Fig.1. Stability (Powder form)

    Fig.1. Stability (Powder form)

    (kept under dry conditions)

  • Fig.2. Stability (Powder form)

    Fig.2. Stability (Powder form)

    (kept under dry conditions)

  • Fig.3. Stability (Liquid form at 25℃)

    Fig.3. Stability (Liquid form at 25 ℃)

    (enzyme concentration: 1.0 mg/mL buffer composition: 50 mM Tris-HCI buffer, pH 7.8)

  • Fig.4. pH-Activity

    Fig.4. pH-Activity

    (37 ℃.15 min-reaction in 50 mM acetate buffer.)

  • Fig.5.Temperature activity

    Fig.5.Temperature activity

    (15 min-reaction in 50 mM acetate buffer, pH 5.0)

  • Fig.6. pH-Stability

    Fig.6. pH-Stability

    (25 ℃, 64 hr-treatment with 50 mM buffer solution:pH 3.5-6.0, acetate; pH 6.5-9.0, Tris-HCI)

  • Fig.7. Thermal stability

    Fig.7. Thermal stability

    (1 hr-treatment with 50 mM Tris-HCI buffer,pH 7.3.)


1. 原理


p-Nitrophenolの生成量を400nmの吸光度の変化で 測定する。




  • 0.1M酢酸緩衝液, pH5.0(25℃)
  • 20mM PNPG水溶液(603mgのP-ニトロフェニルβ-D-グルコピラノシドを100 mLの蒸留水に攪拌溶解する)(0〜5℃保存で2週間は使用可能)
  • 0.2M Na2CO3溶液(21.2gの無水炭酸ナトリウムを蒸留水に溶解し1,000 mLとする)

酵素溶液:酵素標品を予め氷冷した50mM Tris-HCl緩衝液pH7.8で約1mg/mLに溶解し,分析直前に0.2 %牛血清アルブミン(BSA)を含む10mMリン酸緩衝液, pH7.0で0.006〜0.022U/mLに希釈する。



1.0 mL 0.1M酢酸緩衝液, pH5.0 (A)
0.5 mL 基質溶液 (B)

2.酵素溶液を0.5 mLを加え,反応を開始する。

3.37℃で正確に15分間反応させた後, Na2CO3溶液(C)2.0 mL加えて反応を停止させる。この液につき400nmにおける吸光度を測定する(OD test)。

4.盲検は反応混液①を37℃で15分間放置後,Na2CO3溶液(C) 2.0 mLを加えて混和し,次いで酵素溶液0.5 mLを加えて調製する。以下同様に吸光度を測定する(ODblank)。


  • U/mL =

  • ΔOD (OD test−OD blank)×4.0(mL)×希釈倍率


= ΔOD×0.0295×希釈倍率
U/mg = U/mL×1/C
18.1 : p-Nitrophenolの上記測定条件下でのミリモル分子吸光係数(cm2/micromole)
1.0 : 光路長(cm)
C : 溶解時の酵素濃度(c mg/mL)