Cloninig & Gene Analysis| Research Reagents │TOYOBO

Cloninig & Gene Analysis

The detailed information can be referred in the following linked sites.

Applications Product Name
DNA fragment purification MagExtractor -PCR & Gel Clean up-
High efficient ligation Ligation high Ver.2
TA cloning of PCR products having overhanged dA at the 3'-ends.
PCR products from Taq DNA polymerase, Blend Taq [Code No. BTQ-101],
Blend Taq -Plus- [Code No. BTQ-201] or KOD Dash [Code No. LDP-101]
are available.
TArget Clone
TA cloning of blunt-end PCR products amplified using
KOD -Plus- [Code No. KOD-201] or KOD FX [Code No. KFX-101].
TArget Clone -Plus-
Attachment of dA at the 3' - ends of blunt end PCR products
from KOD -Plus- and KOD FX ( For TA cloning )
10xA-attachment mix
Site-directed mutagenesis KOD -Plus- Mutagenesis Kit
100 bp DNA Ladder Marker 100 bp DNA Ladder
1 kb DNA Ladder Marker 1 kb DNA Ladder

DNA fragment purification

MagExtractor -PCR & Gel Clean up- High Efficient DNA Fragment purification Kit

  • Extracts DNA fragments from ≤ 100 μl PCR solutions or enzyme solutions (e.g., restriction enzyme and alkaline phosphatase) within 5 minutes.
  • Extracts DNA fragment from ≤ 0.3 g agarose gel slices (TAE or TBE) within 15 minutes. Agarose slices can be melted at room temperature; it is not necessary to use a heating block.
  • Typical yields from solution or gel slices are approx. 60-70%. DNA fragments approx. 100 bp to 50 kb can be effectively recovered. Small fragments (< 40 bp) are removed.
  • Purified DNA fragments can be applied to sequencing, restriction enzyme treatment, labeling, ligation, transformation, etc. RI-labeled probes can also purified with this kit.

MagExtractor -PCR & Gel Clean up- provides a simple and reliable method for the rapid purification of DNA fragments from a PCR solution, enzyme solution, or agarose gel slices utilizing magnetic silica beads. This kit is based on binding properties of DNA to a silica surface in the presence of chaotropic agents. The purified DNA fragments can be used directly for general molecular biology experiments.

  • Code No. NPK-601 200 preparation


High efficient ligation

Ligation high Ver.2 Ready-to-use ligation reagent

  • Effective ligation of cohesive, blunt and A overhang DNA fragments can be achieved.
  • Will not freeze at -20ºC. No need to thaw.
  • Just mix ligation high Ver.2 with an equal volume or with double the volume of the solution containing DNA fragments.

The ligation reaction is an essential step in genetic recombination experiments. For this reaction, T4 DNA ligase has been widely used. Ligation high Ver.2 is a highly efficient premixed T4 Ligase reagent.

Reagents at -20ºC
Left: conventional, Right: Ligation high Ver.2 

  • Code No. LGK-201 750 µL (100 reactions)


High efficient cloning

TArget Clone High efficient TA cloning kit

  • Ligation step can be completed in 5 min with high efficiency.
  • PCR products can be used without purification.

TArget Clone [Code No. TAK-101] can be applied to the TA cloning of PCR products amplified using Taq DNA polymerase, Blend Taq [Code No. BTQ-101], Blend Taq -Plus- [Code No. BTQ-201] or KOD Dash [Code No. LDP-101]. Almost all PCR products having dA overhanging at the 3'end are available.

  • Code No. TAK-101 10 reactions


TArget Clone -Plus- High efficient TA cloning kit for KOD products

  • Can be applied to the TA cloning of blunt-end PCR products of KOD DNA polymerase.
  • Ligation step can be completed in 5 min with high efficiency.
  • PCR products can be used without purification.

TArget Clone -Plus- [Code No. TAK-201] can be applied to the TA cloning of blunt-end PCR products amplified using KOD -Plus- [Code No. KOD-201] or KOD FX [Code No. KFX-101]. TArget Clone -Plus- contains 10xA-attachment mix. This reagent is a mixture of anti-KOD DNA polymerase antibody specific to KOD 3'→5' exonuclease activity (proof-reading activity) and Taq DNA polymerase, which exhibits terminal transferase activity. The 10 x A-attachment mix allows for blunt end PCR products to acquire overhanging dA at the 3'-ends

  • Code No. TAK-201 10 reactions


TA cloning of blunt-end PCR products of KOD series

10xA-attachment mix dA attachment reagent

  • The attachment reaction is completed in 10 minutes at 60ºC.
  • The cloning efficiency of dA attached PCR products is as great as that of PCR products of Taq DNA polymerase.

10 x A-attachment mix is a reagent consists of the anti-KOD DNA polymerase antibody for the 3'→5' exonuclease activity (proof-reading activity) of the enzyme, and Taq DNA polymerase exhibits the terminal transferase activity. The PCR products from KOD -Plus- [Code No. KOD-201] and KOD FX [Code No. KFX-101] have blunt ends due to the 3'→5' exonuclease activity of KOD DNA polymerase. 10 x A-attachment mix allows the PCR products to acquire overhanging dA at the 3'-ends. The products having 3'-dA overhang can be directly cloned into arbitrary T-vectors using ligation reagents such as Ligation high Ver.2 [Code No. LGK-201].

  • Code No. TAK-301 25 reactions


Site-directed mutagenesis

KOD -Plus- Mutagenesis Kit Site-directed mutagenesis kit

  • Applicable for various mutations, such as substitutions, insertions, and deletion mutations.
  • High efficiency (95% maximum) can be obtained.
  • Simple protocol facilitates speedy experiments. Phosphorylated primers are not required.

>KOD -Plus- Mutagenesis Kit is an inverse PCR (iPCR)-based site-directed mutagenesis kit using KOD DNA polymerase as a high-fidelity PCR enzyme. This reagent was developed based on a highly efficient PCR reagent, "KOD-Plus- (Code No. KOD-201)", which consists of KOD DNA polymerase and anti-KOD DNA polymerase antibodies for Hot Start PCR. This kit enables not only the introduction of point mutations, but also the introduction of large insertions and deletions. The PCR fidelity of KOD-Plus- is greater than Taq DNA polymerase (ca. 80-fold); therefore, unexpected, 2nd-site mutations can be reduced. PCR reactions can be performed using standard PCR primers and do not require phosphorylated primers, because this protocol contains a 'Phosphorylation Step' of PCR products.

  • Code No. SMK-101 20 reactions


100 bp DNA Ladder Marker

100 bp DNA Ladder

  • Dye-attached type and dye-mixed type (Loading Quick™) are available.
  • The 500 bp fragment is enhanced.
  • The DNA mass in each band is determined.

A 100 bp DNA Ladder is suitable for use as a molecular weight standard (100 bp-1,500 bp) for agarose gel electrophoresis. A 500 bp fragment has increased intensity as a reference band. Dye-attached type and dye-mixed type (Loading Quick™) are available.

  • Code No.DNA-035 15 µg (100 gel lanes)s
  • DNA-135 15 µg (100 gel lanes) Loading Quick


1 kb DNA Ladder Marker

1 kb DNA Ladder

  • Dye for electrophoresis is attached to the product.
  • The 5 kb fragment is enhanced.

A 1kb DNA Ladder is suitable for use as a molecular weight standard (1,000 bp-10,000 bp) for agarose gel electrophoresis. A 5,000 bp fragment has increased intensity as a reference band.

  • Code No. DNA-032 90 µg (300 gel lanes)