Toyobo has various unique PCR enzymes, kits and PCR related products as shown below. The following tables show the characteristics of each product. Detailed information can be obtained by going to the linked sites.
Enzyme | Product Name | Fidelity (3'→5' Exonucle- aseactivity) |
Effi- cien cy |
Velocity (Extension time) |
Target size | Crud esa- mple |
Reverse Tran- scrip- tase activity |
Ho t- sta rt |
PCR Prod- uct Ends |
KOD DNA polymerase |
KOD One PCR Master Mix KOD One PCR Master Mix -Blue- |
++++ [80 folds] |
+++ | ++++ (5 sec/kb) |
~40 kb | ++++ | - | ✓ | blunt |
KOD -Plus- | ++++ [80 folds] |
++ | + (1 min/kb) |
~12 kb | + | - | ✓ | blunt | |
KOD -Plus- Neo | ++++ [80] |
++ | +++ (≤0.5 min/kb) |
~24 kb | + | - | ✓ | blunt | |
KOD FX | +++ [11] |
+++ | + (1 min/kb) |
~24 kb | +++ | - | ✓ | blunt | |
KOD FX Neo | +++ [11] |
+++ | +++ (≤0.5 min/kb) |
~40 kb | ++++ | - | ✓ | blunt | |
KOD Dash | + [3] |
+++ | +++ (≤0.5 min/kb) |
~18 kb | ++ | - | - | mixed (blunt & 3'-dA) |
KOD Multi & Epi™ | +++ [11] |
+++ | +++ (≤15 sec/kb) |
~40 kb | +++ | - | ✓ | blunt | |
KOD exo(-) | - [1] |
+++ | +++ (≤0.5 min/kb) |
~10 kb | ++ | - | - | 3'-dA | |
Tth DNA polymerase |
rTth DNA Polymerase | - [1] |
+ | + (1 min/kb) |
~2 kb | + | ✓ (Mn2+) |
- | 3'-dA |
RT-PCR Quick Master Mix | - [1] |
+ | + (1 min/kb) |
~2 kb | + | ✓ | ✓ | 3'-dA | |
Taq DNA polymerase |
rTaq DNA Polymerase | - [1] |
+ | + (1 min/kb) |
~2 kb | + | - | - | 3'-dA |
Quick Taq™ HS DyeMix | - [1] |
+ | + (1 min/kb) |
~4 kb | + | - | ✓ | 3'-dA | |
Blend Taq™ | + [3] |
++ | + (1 min/kb) |
~23 kb | ++ | - | - | mixed (blunt & 3'-dA) |
Blend Taq™ -Plus- | + [3] |
++ | + (1 min/kb) |
~23 kb | ++ | - | ✓ |
++++: Best, +++: Excellent or Strong, ++: Good or Moderate, +: satisfactory, -: Not good or minus ,✓ : Applicable
[ ]: Accuracy of each PCR enzyme (reagent) when the accuracy of Taq DNA polymerase is set to 1.
KOD OneTM PCR master Mix and KOD OneTM PCR Master Mix -Blue- are 2 x PCR master mixes based on genetically modified KOD DNA polymerase (UKOD). KOD OneTM series enables fast PCR, which has an extension time of 5 sec./ kb by applying UKOD and a new Elongation Accelerator. In addition, these master mixes provide greater efficiency and elongation capabilities than conventional PCR enzymes. In particular, these show greater amplification success from crude specimens. Furthermore, these master mixes can be applied to amplify from templates containing uracils (dU) or using primers containing inosines (dI) and uracils (dU).
KOD -Plus- is based on DNA polymerase from the hyperthermophilic Archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1. KOD -Plus- exhibits excellent high PCR fidelity and efficiency. The enzyme solution of KOD -Plus- contains two types of anti-KOD DNA polymerase antibodies that inhibit polymerase and 3'→5' exonuclease activity, thus allowing for Hot Start PCR. KOD -Plus- generates blunt-end PCR products, due to 3'→5' exonuclease (proof-reading) activity.
KOD -Plus- Neo is the improved version of the previous KOD -Plus- (Code No. KOD-201). This polymerase contains a unique "elongation enhancer" that suppresses the "plateau effect" produced by conventional PCR.
Therefore, this reagent exhibits greater amplification efficiency and elongation capability compared to the previous version of KOD -Plus-.
Moreover, this enzyme requires only 30 sec/kb for the PCR extension step. This facilitates the long range PCR.
KOD FX is based on DNA polymerase from the hyperthermophilic Archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1. KOD FX results in much greater PCR success based on efficiency and elongation capabilities than KOD -Plus- (Code No. KOD-201) or other Taq-based PCR enzymes. KOD FX enzyme solution contains two types of anti-KOD DNA polymerase antibodies that inhibit polymerase and 3'→5' exonuclease activities, thus allowing for Hot Start PCR. KOD FX generates blunt-end PCR products, due to 3'→5' exonuclease (proof-reading) activity.
KOD FX Neo is the improved version of the previous KOD FX (Code No. KFX-101). This product contains a unique "elongation enhancer" that suppresses the "plateau effect", enabling greater elongation rates and capabilities.
The KOD FX Neo enzyme solution contains two types of anti-KOD DNA polymerase antibodies that inhibit the polymerase and 3'→5' exonuclease activities, thus allowing for Hot Start PCR. KOD FX Neo is a highly efficient enzyme that is tolerant of PCR inhibitors in crude samples.
KOD Dash is a highly efficient DNA polymerase mixture developed based on the Barns' method. This method uses a DNA polymerase which lacked a 3'→5' exonuclease (proofreading) activity and a small amount of an archaeal DNA polymerase with proofreading activity. In the reagent, the 3'→5' exonuclease activity-minus mutant <KOD EXO(-)> of KOD DNA polymerase and KOD DNA polymerase are used. Because the proofreading activity repairs misincorporated nucleotide bases causing the termination of a polymerase reaction, PCR with this mixed enzyme solution enables highly efficient amplification. KOD Dash generates dA overhang-ended PCR products. Therefore, the PCR products can be cloned using a standard TA cloning method.
KOD exo (-) is a 3'→5' exonuclease minus mutant developed based on KOD DNA polymerase from a hyperthermophilic Archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1. KOD exo (-) shows excellent elongation velocity.
KOD -Multi & Epi-™ is a high-fidelity PCR enzyme based on genetically modified KOD DNA polymerase(UKOD). This modified enzyme enables amplification from templates containing uracils (U) or using primers containing inosines (I) and uracils (U). Furthermore, addition of the Elongation Accelerator significantly reduces amplification bias during PCR. KOD -Multi & Epi-™ can be applied to various purposes such as a)
rTth DNA Polymerase is a recombinant DNA polymerase derived from the thermophilic bacteria Thermus thermophilus (Tth) HB8. This polymerase exhibits reverse transcriptase activity in addition to DNA polymerase activity in the presence of Mn2+ ions.Therefore, this enzyme enables "one-step RT-PCR" including reverse transcription and PCR steps.
RT-PCR Quick Master Mix provides a 2 × Master Mix for RT-PCR using a thermostable DNA polymerase derived from Thermus thermophilus (Tth) HB8). Tth DNA polymerase exhibits reverse transcriptase activity in addition to DNA polymerase activity in the presence of Mn2+ ions. Therefore, this system enables "one-step RT-PCR" including reverse transcription and PCR steps. This kit is suitable for high-throughput RT-PCR, and decreases contamination risks.
rTaq DNA Polymerase is a recombinant DNA polymerase derived from the thermophilic bacteria Thermus aquaticus (Taq) YT-1.
Quick Taq™ HS DyeMix is a Taq-based 2 × master mix PCR reagent that contains an electrophoresis dye (BPB; bromophenol blue) and anti-Taq antibodies for hot start PCR. This reagent contains all components for PCR except primers and template DNA. This reagent shows specific and efficient amplification. The amplified products can be directly loaded in the wells of an agarose or acrylamide gel.
Blend Taq™ and Blend Taq™ -Plus- are highly efficient Taq-based DNA polymerases developed based on the Barns' method. This method uses a DNA polymerase which lacked 3'→5' exonuclease (proofreading) activity (e.g., Taq DNA polymerase) and a small amount of an archaeal DNA polymerase with proofreading activity. Because the proofreading activity repairs misincorporated nucleotide bases causing the termination of the polymerase reaction, PCR with a ‘mixed' enzyme solution enables highly efficient amplification. The enzyme solution of Blend Taq™ -Plus- contains anti-Taq DNA polymerase antibodies that inhibit polymerase activity, allowing for Hot Start PCR. Blend Taq™ and Blend Taq™ -Plus- generate dA overhang-ended PCR products. Therefore, the PCR products can be cloned using a standard TA-cloning method.