• Company
  • TOYOBO Group Charter of Corporate Behavior

TOYOBO Group Charter of Corporate Behavior

This Charter of Corporate Behavior applies to all directors, corporate auditors, executive officers, and employees of the Toyobo Group (TOYOBO CO., LTD. and all of its affiliated companies). The term “Toyobo Group” as used in this charter refers to all of these people.

We here at the Toyobo Group contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by aiming to become a Group that continues to create the solutions needed by people and the earth with materials and science. Also, in order to continue being a corporation that people trust, we will act with high ethical standards and social common sense based on the following ten principles.

  1. Contribution to a sustainable society

    We will contribute to sustainable economic growth and the resolution of social issues by developing and providing products and services that will create a safe and affluent future.

  2. Fair business practices

    We will maintain a sound relationship with society, including our customers and business partners, by engaging in fair competition and transactions, and responsible procurement.

    We will appropriately use and manage trade secrets, personal data and other such forms of information.
    We will engage in fair and unrestricted competition in adherence to laws and regulations relevant to fair competition such as antitrust law.
    We will establish proper transaction policies and engage in responsible procurement and logistics in a manner that supports development of a sustainable society.
    We will properly manage and declare cargo when importing and exporting, in adherence to relevant laws and regulations.
    We will not engage in corrupt practices such as offering gifts, hospitality, monies, or other benefits to public officials, customers or business partners, whether locally or overseas, that would result in gaining unfair benefits, or accepting offers of such gifts, hospitality, monies or other benefits.
    We will build highly transparent relationships with those in politics and government.
    We will protect and make effective use of our intellectual property rights derived from results we have obtained through research and development, and will likewise respect the intellectual property rights of others. We will appropriately display our trademarks and otherwise take steps to heighten the brand value of the Toyobo Group.
    We will not engage in accounting practices that would result in erroneous financial statements.
    We will make decisions based on our Jun-Ri-Soku-Yu (adhering to reason leads to prosperity) corporate philosophy and adhere to our in-house rules.
  3. Communication with stakeholders

    We will carry out fair and appropriate information disclosure and enhance corporate value through communication with our stakeholders.

    We will appropriately disclose information in a timely manner and otherwise strive to maintain constructive dialogue with society.
    We will carefully handle information and will not engage in insider trading.
  4. Respect for human rights

    We support the International Bill of Human Rights and Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and will conduct business activities that respect the human rights of all persons.

    We will conduct our business activities in a manner that shuns harassment and discrimination on grounds of race, religion, gender, age, family origin, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or otherwise. Moreover, we will reject child and forced labor. We will also respect collective bargaining rights and freedom of association based on the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we do business.
  5. Earn customers' trust and satisfaction

    We will strive to ensure the quality and safety of our products and services and earn the trust and satisfaction of customers and consumers.

    We will take steps to ensure the quality and safety of our products and services by building appropriate Quality Management System.
    We will provide accurate and precise information regarding our products and services in order to earn our customers' satisfaction and trust.
    We will engage the proper procedures in carrying out quality inspections and other such testing, and will appropriately handle data and other information.
    We will strive to develop products that contribute to society. Moreover, we will appropriately manage and use external funds particularly those covering research expenses, and will strongly refrain from acts that involve fabrication or falsification of data results.
    We will sincerely address customer inquiries, complaints and other interactions and will strive to manufacture products and provide services in a manner that leverages such feedback.
  6. Active employee participation

    We will respect employee diversity and support work practices that allow employees to demonstrate their individual skills. Also, we will provide workplaces that are conducive to productive work while taking health and safety into consideration.

    We will work toward developing workplace environments that facilitate active participation among a diverse range of human talent.
    We will prevent various types of harassment and other forms of mistreatment in our workplaces, and accordingly we will not engage in discriminatory practices neither in regard to hiring nor terms of employment.
    We will comply with labor-related laws and regulations in the countries and regions where we operate.We will also strive to create safe, hygienic, and rewarding workplaces, and work to reduce excessive working hours.
  7. Engagement in environmental issues

    We will strive to improve energy conservation and reduce/recycle the resources used by our business, and move forward with the development of products and technologies that contribute to reducing the burden on the environment.

    We will strive to improve energy conservation and reduce/reuse the resources used by our business, and will implement measures that address our environmental risks.
  8. Social contribution

    We will actively participate in society as a good corporate citizen and contribute to its development.

  9. Thorough crisis management

    We will conduct thorough crisis management in the face of actions by antisocial forces, terrorism, cyber attacks, natural disasters and other crises that pose a threat to corporate activity.

    We will strive to prevent disasters and will also develop a crisis management framework for addressing emergency situations.
    We will take a firm stand against antisocial forces and otherwise fully reject any and all ties therewith.
    We will strive to ensure cyber-security.
  10. Responsibilities of the management

    Directors and the Board of Directors, operating under the spirit of this Charter, shall strive to resolve issues while working together with the entire Group and should also encourage behavior based on the principles of this Charter within the Group's supply chain. In the event that the Group violates the spirit of this Charter and loses the trust of society, directors and the Board of Directors shall proactively take responsibility to respond to the situation, including resolving the problem, investigating the causes, and preventing the problem from recurring.

Seiji Narahara
Representative Director, President and CEO, Co-COO
October 26, 2020