Tax Affairs Policy

Toyobo Group's Tax Policy

The Toyobo Group (hereafter the Group) is committed to contributing to society by providing solutions needed by people and the earth while trying to improve corporate values of the Group in a sustainable manner, based on the corporate philosophy of Jun-Ri-Soku-Yu (adhering to reason leads to prosperity).

The Group is engaged in business activities in various countries and regions around the world. Therefore, the Group has a basic policy to respect the taxation laws of all the international tax jurisdictions it operates in, as well as international taxation rules, and to pay taxes properly. At the same time, it will contribute to the development of those countries and regions to fulfill its social responsibilities.


The Group properly files corporate tax returns and pays taxes due, observing taxation laws applied in the countries/regions where it is engaged in business, and international taxation rules. Moreover, the Group uses its Toyobo Group Compliance Manual to maintain and enhance tax compliance by heightening awareness of compliance among its employees.


The Group is committed to establishing an effective tax governance system by appointing the CFO of Toyobo Co. Ltd., as the leader of the task, with Toyobo's Accounting and Control Department sharing information with the accounting division of each Group company.
If any tax issue arises, the accounting division is required to report it to the Accounting and Control Department of Toyobo and if necessary, the department will report it to the Board of Directors.
When improvement is required, Toyobo's Accounting and Control Department will monitor such efforts and report the result to the President, the CFO , Corporate Auditors and other parties concerned.

Tax Planning

The Group undertakes legitimate and proper tax planning to improve cash flow in its business operations, but it is implemented in compliance with related laws and regulations and not for the purpose of avoiding tax excessively.

Managing Tax Risk

If its tax position is uncertain, the Group endeavors to minimize tax risks by seeking the advice of qualified external experts and consulting with the tax authorities in advance.

Transfer Pricing

In transactions with foreign affiliated parties, the Group observes the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines; establishes prices in accordance with the arm's length principle and transfer pricing taxation in each country; and distributes income appropriately among the concerned parties. The Group also prepares proper transfer pricing documentation based on transfer pricing taxation in each country.

Relationship with Taxation Authorities

The Group endeavors to build and maintain healthy and amicable relationships with the taxation authorities by responding to requests from them in good faith.