
Related ESG :
Clean water areas, air and soil, and preservation of biodiversity
Clean Water and Sanitation Life Below Water Life On Land

Policy and approach

Toyobo Group Fundamental Policy on the Global Environment calls for the group to actively support and participate in environmental protection and biodiversity conservation activities throughout society and in local regions, as a good corporate citizen. In doing this, we strive to minimize the impact of our business activities on ecosystems and aim to realize a nature positive through conservation and maintenance activities in cooperation with local communities.

Action Guidelines for Biodiversity Conservation

We recognize that biodiversity is an essential part of a sustainable society. As a group which continues to create the solutions needed by people and the earth, understanding the impact of our business activities on conservation of biodiversity, we will endeavor to conserve the three types of biodiversity (species, genetic, and ecosystem diversity) through various activities.

  • We will work to understand how the group's business activities depend on and affect biodiversity, and endeavor to avoid or minimize negative impacts.
  • We will strive to give consideration to biodiversity conservation throughout the entire value chain.
  • We will contribute to the conservation by promoting development of Biodiversity-conscious products and technology.
  • We will support and promote conservation activities through the employee's participation, and cooperation and collaboration with various stakeholders including local communities and NGOs.
  • We will comply with domestic and overseas agreements on biodiversity.

Participation status of biodiversity conservation

We are promoting activities based on the "Action Guidelines for Biodiversity Conservation" with respecting "Declaration of Biodiversity, Guide to Action Policy" issued by Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), and "Guidelines for Private Sector Engagement in Biodiversity" formulated by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan.

Period Initiatives
Nov.2021 Formulated the "Action Guidelines for Biodiversity Conservation."
Jan.2022 Endorsed the "Initiative based on the Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren."
Nov.2022 Participated in 30by30 Alliance for biodiversity.
First half of fiscal 2024 “Toyobo Aya-no-Mori” forest was certified as a “Nationally Certified Sustainably Managed Natural Site” by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan
Aug.2024 “Toyobo Aya-no-Mori” forest was listed in the World Database on Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures.

Identifying risks

Toyobo group's business activities and its involvement in biodiversity

At all domestic and overseas production sites of our group, by using IBAT,*1 we will conduct surveys to determine whether there are any rare species or natural environments such as the World Natural Heritage sites, IUCN*2 Protected Area Management Categories I-VI, and the Ramsar Convention*3 that should be conserved within 1 km around the site, and we have picked up the following sites.

In addition, we will set up initiatives in accordance with each local situation at our sites as Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP). We confirm their progress at a company-wide meeting (Global Environment Conservation Conference) starting in fiscal 2024, along with the promotion of biodiversity conservation.

The abbreviation of "Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool" refers to a database of the world's protected areas in which the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and other organizations participate.
The abbreviation of "International Union for Conservation of Nature" refers to an international nature conservation network consisting of national, governmental and non-governmental agencies.
Official name is "Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat". It aims to conserve wetlands, which are an important habitat for a variety of organisms and a valuable resource for human life, through international cooperation and promote the wise use.

Sites with a Natural Environment to be Conserved

Site name IBAT assessment result Explanation
Toyobo Iwakuni Production Center
TOYO CLOTH CO., LTD Iwakuni Plant
(Iwakuni, Yamaguchi)
Protected landscape areas
Resource conservation areas
Part of a national park or quasi-national park
Areas to be protected for the sustainable use of natural resources
Toyobo Research Center
(Otsu, Shiga)
Species and habitat management areas Natural Habitat Conservation Areas, National Wildlife Protection Areas
TOYO CLOTH CO., LTD Tarui Plant (Sennan, Osaka) Resource conservation areas Areas to be protected for the sustainable use of natural resources
Resource conservation areas Areas to be protected for the sustainable use of natural resources
Toyobo Tsuruga Research and Production Center (Tsuruga, Fukui) Species and habitat management areas Natural Habitat Conservation Areas, National Wildlife Protection Areas
Toyobo MC Takasago Plant (Takasago, Hyogo) Resource conservation areas Areas to be protected for the sustainable use of natural resources
  • Toyobo Tsuruga Research and Production Center, and Toyobo MC Takasago plant: Areas to be protected are located more than 1 km (but less than 2 km) from the site, but are included in the scope of this activity

Relationship between business activities and biodiversity

Made with reference to the "Map of Relationships between Corporations and Biodiversity" published by the Japan Business Initiative for Biodiversity.

Relationship between Business Activities and Biodiversity

Initiatives for reducing environmental impact

To minimize the negative impact on biodiversity, we are proceeding following activities.

Reduction of environmentally hazardous substances emitted from production sites and plants

Under TOYOBO Group Fundamental Policy on the Global Environment, we have established voluntary standards for chemical substances discharged into the atmosphere and water that are stricter than those required by law, and we are working to thoroughly manage these substances and reduce their emissions.

Please see chemical substance management section for targets and achievements for fiscal 2031.

Environment impact assessment (Eco-Review System) at development

Since 1998, we have been using the Eco-Review System to evaluate the impact of our products on environment from the viewpoint of environment conservation. Under this system, we evaluate our products/technologies from the viewpoints of "preventing climate change," "reducing chemical substances," "resource conservation," "waste reduction," "environment contributing," and "biodiversity" at every stage from raw materials to disposal. Since this system is implemented at each stage from R&D to commercialization, the themes that are deemed necessary to be improved at the R&D stage will be improved by the time of the next Eco-Review. As a result, while developing products and technologies, we are working to reduce the burden on environment and improve products that contribute to biodiversity conservation and other.

Implementation of cleanup activities to preserve the biodiversity of the Seto Inland Sea

The Seto Inland Sea is one of the most important areas for biodiversity conservation. Our business sites and group companies (Iwakuni Production Center, Toyobo MC Takasago Plant, Toyo Cloth Co., Ltd., Japan Exlan Co., Ltd., Toyobo Photo Chemicals Co., Ltd.) are located in this surrounding area. These business sites, and companies conduct cleanup activities at least once a year to pick up litter along the coast and in rivers flowing into the Seto Inland Sea.

Cleanup activities at Japan Exlan Co., Ltd.

Cleanup activities at Japan Exlan Co., Ltd.

We are also expanding our activity areas to areas outside the Seto Inland Sea, and are working as a group to conserve habitats.

Cleanup activities at Toyoshina Film Co., Ltd.

Cleanup activities at Toyoshina Film Co., Ltd.

Cleanup activities at Inuyama Plant

Cleanup activities at Inuyama Plant

Initiatives for nature positive

Research Center

Biodiversity conservation initiatives at Research Center

The Research Center is located adjacent to Lake Biwa, which is a "species and habitat management area" based on IBAT's risk assessment. We are grateful for our location, which is blessed with remaining biodiversity not only in Lake Biwa but also in the rivers and satoyama landscape, and are committed to conservation activities aimed at creating an environment where people and living things can coexist in harmony.

Conducting biological surveys

In fiscal 2024, we conducted a survey of plants, insects, birds, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and aquatic organisms at the Research Center. As a result, about 600 species of organisms were found, including about 500 native species, 100 non-native species, and 20 species listed in the Red Data Book. The survey revealed that the Research Center is a "buffer zone between people and Lake Biwa" with remnants and connections to Lake Biwa, as there are lakeside forests such as willow and hackberry, reed beds growing in the adjustment pond, and dragonflies and aquatic species that breed in Lake Biwa. The survey debriefing session held in March 2024 was attended by about 100 people, including online participants, who were able to once again experience the rich nature of the Research Center, leading to an increased awareness of biodiversity conservation.
In the future, based on the results of the surveys conducted so far, we will plan conservation measures appropriate for the region.

Biological surveys at Research Center

Biological surveys at Research Center

Lake Biwa shoreline cleanup activities

Every year, we conduct cleanup activities in the Research Center and neighboring areas, with particular emphasis on picking up trash and removing weeds along the shores of Lake Biwa. Based on the results of the biological survey, in fiscal 2025, we also started extermination of designed invasive alien species in the Research Center. On the day of the activity, a total of 524 employees including those from partner companies participated. These activities are linked to raising employee awareness and contributing to the local community through beautification of the surrounding area. We will continue our efforts to preserve the rich ecosystem.

“Toyobo Aya-no-Mori” forest

We had purchased forests since the 1950s to ensure domestic self-sufficiency of chemical fiber raw materials. Subsequently, due to changes in the composition of the chemical fiber business, the forests ceased to be a source of raw materials and we now hold only a portion of the forests for timber production.

We promote forestry activities while maintaining its function as a water source conservation forest. We will also promote sustainable forest management with the aim of coexistence between people and nature by placing emphasis on continuity with the abundant forests surrounding us.

Biodiversity conservation initiatives at “Toyobo Aya-no-Mori” forest

In fiscal 2023, we began a monitoring survey of company-owned forests located in Aya Town, Miyazaki Prefecture. Through surveys, we confirmed the existence of rare organisms (e.g., domestic rare wild fauna and flora species, Ministry of the Environment Red List 2020: endangered IB species, and Miyazaki Prefectural Red List 2022: endangered I species) exist and feeding damages caused by deer and other predators. Regarding animal pollution, we have already implemented measures such as installing a deer fence in the afforestation area, but this is the first time we have conducted a survey of the entire forest.

In the future, we will continue monitoring surveys and consider new activities in collaboration with local communities and recovery from animal damage.

“Toyobo Aya-no-Mori,” a forest in Aya-cho, Miyazaki Prefecture

“Toyobo Aya-no-Mori,” a forest in Aya-cho, Miyazaki Prefecture

Participation in biodiversity certification programs

The Ministry of the Environment, Japan began certifying areas where biodiversity conservation is promoted through the efforts of the private sector as "Nationally Certified Sustainably Managed Natural Sites".
In the first half of fiscal 2024, the "Toyobo Aya-no-Mori" forest was certified as "Nationally Certified Sustainably Managed Natural Sites" in recognition of the group's efforts to conserve biodiversity in the forest.
Subsequently, in August 2024, the forest was listed in the World Database on Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (WD-OECM). This will contribute to achieving the ”30by30” goal, an international target to conserve at least 30% of the Earth's land and oceans by 2030.

Participation in Biodiversity Certification Programs

Calculation of CO2 absorption

The amount of CO2 absorbed in our company-owned forests is currently estimated to be approximately 6 thousand tonnes/year for a forest area of 1500 ha.

Contributing through business processes and products

Environment and fiber business

We are also contributing to reduce impact on the environment of our customers through the markets of waste fluids, drain, and exhaust gas treatment equipment, as well as water treatment membranes.

Engagement and collaboration with governments, non-profit organizations and local community

Environmental education activities

Environmental seminars are held every year as part of the group's environmental education. In June 2023, as part of biodiversity conservation activities of Toyobo Research Center, (Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture) we invited a professor from Biodiversity Science Research Centre, Ryukoku University (Otsu City) to give a lecture on biodiversity conservation and its significance: environment DNA analysis as an observation technology.
A total of about 200 participants studied cutting-edge science studies on biodiversity conservation, with Toyobo Research Center as their primary venue and company-wide online.

Scenes of environmental seminars in FY2024

Scenes of environmental seminars in FY2024

Cooperative management of groundwater (Tsuruga Research and Production Center)

Tsuruga Research and Production Center of our group participates in the ”Tsuruga City Water Environment Improvement Roundtable”, which consists of local government officials, academics, residents, companies, and NGOs that have come together for the purpose of groundwater management. The report provides information on measures to achieve the reduction targets promised to the local government and citizens, as well as the results of activities and future plans.

Toyobo group will continue to work with local communities to properly manage groundwater use in order to conserve biodiversity.

Lake Biwa day event: 100 sites eDNA survey (Research Center)

Toyobo group has supported "Lake Biwa Challenge: 100 sites eDNA survey," a project to research living organisms in Lake Biwa, Japan's largest lake in Shiga Prefecture. The survey, conducted by Ryukoku University's Center for Biodiversity Science, is a sub-project of “Ryukoku Lecture with Shiga Prefecture related to Lake Biwa Day,” an open lecture of Ryukoku University. In this survey, local citizens, organizations, and companies collect water samples at 100 locations around the lake each year. The samples are analyzed for environmental DNA* to provide data essential for biodiversity conservation, such as habitat distribution and the spread of invasive species.

The Research Center has participated in local environmental activities and launched its own campaigns to clean up the lake with the aim of conserving the lake's biodiversity. Furthermore, we have been participating in the survey since fiscal 2023. We will continue to collect water on a regular basis for the future and contribute to the survey of Lake Biwa.

  • DNA expelled by living organisms, such as those originating in their body fluids and feces.

Forest conservation activities at "Toyobo Future Forest" in Wakayama prefecture

We have worked on Forest Conservation Activities of "Toyobo Future Forest" in a mountain forest in central Wakayama prefecture. Since its inception in 2006, in cooperation with the local Hidaka town and the forest association of Kichuu (or central Wakayama prefecture), we have been working on tree planting and weeding, etc. In November 2021, we supplementally planted broadleaf trees such as wild cherry, sawtooth oak, and maple.

Wild deer live in this area of the forest and sometimes eat the seedlings of the trees. For the coexistence of deer and trees, the area around the "Future Forest" is enclosed with nets which use our material, IZANAS® to prevent animals from entering.

Through forest conservation activities in Wakayama prefecture, we will contribute to issues such as biodiversity and climate change.

Putting covers preventing feeding damage by deer on saplings

Putting covers preventing feeding damage by deer on saplings

Join the 30by30 alliance

In November 2022, TOYOBO and Toyobo Real Estate Co., Ltd. joined 30by30 alliance for biodiversity to promote activities aimed at halting and restoring biodiversity losses.

Comprehensive partnership agreement with the town of Aya, Miyazaki Prefecture ("Toyobo Aya-no-Mori” forest)

In June 2023, we concluded a comprehensive collaboration agreement with Aya town, Miyazaki Prefecture, where one of our group-owned forests is located.
Aya town has one of the largest laurel forests in Japan, and has been registered as a UNESCO Eco Park by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization) in 2012, receiving high praise worldwide for its efforts to create a community that coexists with nature.
In the future, we will work together to revitalize the Aya town area using our company-owned forests and to coexist with our sustainable manufacturing and conservation of the natural environment.