Health and Productivity Management

Related ESG :
Employee well-being: Health and productivity management
Good Health and Well-Being

Management approach

Policy and approach

Our group believes that investing in the health of employees and vibrant workplaces where employees can work with motivation will lead to long-term growth for the company.

To create workplaces that are comfortable places to work and that take employees' health into account, we are advancing initiatives for the occupational safety and health underlying such workplaces. From FY2020, we have undertaken health and productivity management that strategically implements health management considered from a managerial perspective.

Until now, the company and the health insurance association have cooperated in supporting health. To continue those activities and to positively and systematically undertake even more health and productivity management, we built a system for its promotion and formulated the TOYOBO Health & Productivity Management Declaration that was announced by the President in March 2020.

< TOYOBO Health & Productivity Management Declaration >

Under the group's corporate philosophy, Jun-Ri-Soku-Yu (adhering to reason leads to prosperity), we aim to become a company which achieves sustainable growth.

We believe that in order to ensure strong, sustainable growth, we need the capabilities, effort, and energy of every employee, and that the growth of the group is linked to the job satisfaction of our employees and the feeling that they and their families are being enriched.

Health is the source of our employees' energy and effort, and as a group we recognize that actively working to maintain and improve employee health is an important management issue. At the same time, we believe that this initiative will contribute to realizing a sustainable society.

It is also important that employees themselves realize the importance of their health.

Therefore, we declare that we will actively engage in health and productivity management.

Ikuo Takeuchi
Representative Director, President, and CEO
April, 2021

Key measures under the TOYOBO Health & Productivity Management Declaration

  1. Initiatives for raising employees' health awareness: education and training
  2. Initiatives for improving employees' lifestyle habits: exercise, diet, support for quitting smoking, etc.
  3. Initiatives for strengthening mental health, including improvement measures for high-stress employees and workplaces


Health management system

Aiming to positively and systematically address health and productivity management, Toyobo group is working on the above priority measures in cooperation with the Labor Affairs Department, occupation physicians/medical care nurses, and health insurance union under the Executive Officer supervising the HR Department, who serves as Chief Health Officer (CHO), while also hearing opinions from labor union.

Health management system

Health management strategy (strategy map)

We have positioned health and productivity management as one of our management strategies. Under our "Sustainable Vision 2030" announced in May 2022, we will work to solve issues, especially those related to "employee wellbeing" through the health and productivity management and contribute to the creation of a "company with pride and fulfillment" where employees are healthy, can play an active role with peace of mind, and can grow. Specifically, as an indicator, we aim to achieve an engagement score of 70% or higher (target for FY2031). To achieve this overall health and productivity management indicator target, we are organizing the linkage of "management issues to be solved ", "expected effects", and "specific initiatives" under the above structure.

Targets and KPIs

< KPI and result >

Initiative KPI Target(FY2026) Result(FY2024)
  • Maintain people-friendly work enviroments (Promote health)
Certified as a top 500 for Outstanding Health and Productivity Management
Obtain / Maintain
Certified as a top 500 for Outstanding Health and Productivity Management

We set targets and check our performance over time for various indicators related to health management. By analyzing quantitative data, we are able to understand our health issues and use the information to solve them.


In the area of health and productivity management initiatives, we organize and analyze issues from multiple angles, including health check-up results and the use of scoring reports and index data over time in cooperation with insurers, to put measures into practice.

We respond every year to the survey of health and productivity management by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and use the feedback we obtain from it to conduct annual reviews of our initiatives, which we then connect to our activities in the following fiscal year. Through this continuous effort, issues calling for priority treatment have come to light. We will resolve these issues through health and productivity management and be a company where people feel pride and motivation, which will ultimately contribute to the enhancement of corporate value and productivity.

Measures undertaken

In addition to the initiatives we have undertaken since beginning health and productivity management, we are implementing the following as initiatives to improve employees' lifestyle habits.

Recognized as a White 500 enterprise with Outstanding Health and Productivity Management

Toyobo was certified for the second consecutive year as a White 500 enterprise with Outstanding Health and Productivity Management 2024 (Large Enterprise Category) under the Certified KENKO Investment for Health Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program, jointly conducted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi.

Toyobo group positions health and productivity management as one of its management strategies. Under the Chief Health Officer (CHO), the Labor Affairs Department, the occupational physicians and nursing professionals and the health insurance association collaborate to enhance employees’ health awareness, improve lifestyle habits, and strengthen mental health measures.

As a result, the company has been certified as a Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization since FY2021, attaining White 500 status for the first time last fiscal year. In FY2024, we launched a video distribution service that employees can access online at any time, providing content that helps maintain their health.

Additionally, we encouraged employees needing follow-up exams after their regular health check-ups to complete these examinations and made it mandatory to report the results. These efforts to further promote employee health and productivity have been recognized, resulting in White 500 certification again this year.

The group will continue to actively promote health and productivity management to create a workplace where employees can work energetically and in good physical and mental health, aiming to enhance corporate value.

Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization

Activities to raise awareness among employees

It is important for all employees to review their lifestyle habits with an awareness of protecting and building their own health, and to continuously put initiatives for better living into practice.

Toward this end, we hold seminars to encourage employees to give thought to their own health and undertake health promotion from their individual standpoints.

From 2022, we have set the first Thursday of every month as Health Day and distribute health seminar videos once a month.

Implementation in FY2024
Number of times Theme
Seminars 3
  • Seminars on non-smoking
  • Women’s health seminar
  • Seminars by occupational physicians on lifestyle-related diseases
Video distribution 4
  • Shoulder and lower back pain
  • Eye health
  • Mental health and self-care
  • Accurate health information
Awareness emails 4
  • Mental health
  • Lifestyle diseases
  • Health issues for working women
  • Health check-ups

Improvement of employees' lifestyle

Amid revolutionized working styles and lifestyles, and the various restrictions brought about by the COVID-19 outbreak, we recognize the critical importance of prioritizing both mental and physical well-being. Our focus is on improving lifestyle habits by implementing measures for exercise routines and smoking cessation, as well as providing educational opportunities such as seminars to enhance health literacy.

In FY2022, we created and deployed our own proprietary application, “Tsunagaru Kenko TOYOBO Zukan,” designed to operate on smartphones. This application was developed by a subcommittee of the “KAERU Project,” an internal initiative for organizational climate reform, incorporating diverse perspectives. The inaugural release, “Flower Series,” allows employees to share photos of flowers they encounter during walks and engage in interactive commentary.

Our goal is for this application to encourage regular exercise among employees and facilitate meaningful connections, fostering a positive ripple effect.

In FY2023, in conjunction with seminars on passive smoking and nicotine addiction, we provided information on online outpatient clinics for smoking cessation and implemented measures to partially subsidize the cost of outpatient smoking cessation treatment for those who successfully quit.

Improvement of employees' lifestyle

Support for employees' health maintenance and promotion through health checkups

Toyobo aims to have a (actual) 100% rate of health checkups by industrial health staff at each business site.

Our health checkups for lifestyle-related diseases, cancer, and other ailments are more comprehensive than required by law. In cooperation with the health insurance association, we conduct cancer screenings for any staff (employees and their dependents) who want them, and we are working to ensure early detection and treatment of diseases including in family members.

Our occupation physicians check the results of health checkups for all employees, and in the event of any abnormal findings, meet with and provide health guidance in cooperation with nursing professionals. If necessary, they also provide examinations and treatment at clinics, and referrals to specialized medical institutions. We also support the maintenance and improvement of employee health by providing health consultation structures and environments. Furthermore, the health insurance association actively provides specific health guidance on approaches to reduce risks faced by high-risk patients.

We improve structures and environments for health examinations and consultations, to support the maintenance and improvement of employee health.

Improvement of implementation rate of specified health guidance

As an example of improvements made with respect to a specific issue, by undertaking a variety of measures and cooperating with insurers on strengthening the implementation rate for specific health guidance to raise awareness concerning exercise and eating habits, we achieved a decline in the number of persons targeted for specific health guidance by approximately 2% between FY2021 and 2022.

Restricting long working hours

To curb long working hours, in management meetings we examine measures to prevent recurrence when employees (including managerial staff) anywhere in the company exceed certain working hour standards for three consecutive months*. Management and employees at each business site have set a specific cutoff point, and keep tabs on work that leads to excessive hours in order to promote their reduction. We have also set the number of employees doing overtime as a KPI, and have set a reduction of 20% as a target.

Management and employees at each business site have designated a no overtime day, and we encourage employees to go home on time so they can enjoy personal and family time.

Furthermore, in order to prevent mental health issues caused by long working hours, we have put in place stricter standards than legally mandated, and we hold interviews with occupation physicians.

  • Over 80 hours overtime in two consecutive months + over 45 hours in the third month

Mental healthcare initiatives

Toyobo provides annual mental health lectures to managerial staff in order to increase their awareness and understanding of mental healthcare. Individual consultations are also given by industrial health staff at each business site. We also provide personalized support to employees suffering from high levels of stress, based on the results of a stress checkup. We are undertaking actions such as providing feedback to managerial staff on the results of FY2024 group analysis.

With regard to mental healthcare when telecommuting, we have addressed the importance of self-care and so-called “line care,” care provided by managerial staff for the wellbeing of the employees and measures to improve the workplace, issuing information so as to maintain and support our employees' physical and mental wellbeing.

Health care support for expatriates

The number of group employees posted overseas is growing year by year in line with our accelerating global business expansion. For employees and their families preparing for overseas assignments, we provide medical checkups, vaccinations recommended by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (hepatitis AB, measles/rubella, tetanus, etc.), local medical system support in cooperation with medical assistance services, information on travel destinations, and more. We recognize the importance of the world's three major infectious diseases (tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV/AIDS), and will enact necessary measures against these as our business expands.

We provide follow-up medical checkups after traveling to the destination and support them in maintaining their health status while engaged in their work. We have a system in place to support the health management of expatriates and their families through collaboration among various internal organizations.

To our business partners

At our company, the labor department, health insurance union, and nursing staff play a central role in promoting health management in cooperation with each other.

We may be able to help you with our efforts. We would like to support our business partners in their promotion of health management as well.
If you are interested in our efforts, please contact us at the following address for information exchange, and so on.

For inquiries, please contact us at:
Human Resources Department
Health Management Secretariat