Social Contribution
- Related ESG :
- E S
Management approach
Policy and approach
The TOYOBO Group Charter of Corporate Behavior declares that "we will actively participate in society and contribute to its development as a good corporate citizen." It is our belief that fulfilling our responsibilities as a good corporate citizen and making investments for the future is one way for us to put our corporate principle of "Jun-Ri-Soku-Yu (Adhering to reason leads to prosperity)" into practice.
To build and support a better society as a member of that society, we will engage in the promotion of science and technology, environmental conservation, and communication with local communities, and will incorporate what we gain from these activities into our corporate activities.
Through our website and other means, we will communicate information that allows people to learn about our group's thinking and its businesses.
Related policies:
- TOYOBO Group Charter of Corporate Behavior: 8. Social contribution
- TOYOBO Group Basic Policy on Health & Safety
- TOYOBO Group Fundamental Policy on the Global Environment
Based on the policies above, each business location works to communicate with its surrounding area.
Cultivating future generations
In order for our society to continue developing into the future, it is vital that we foster the human resources who will lead that future. Toward that end, our group is undertaking promotion of science and technology through research grants and other support via the Toyobo Biotechnology Foundation. We also offer internships to let students gain an image of work through actual workplace experiences.
Supporting science and technology
Toyobo group is contributing to the development of science and technology by supporting young researchers through our foundation. We are also contributing to the development of technology, industry, and society by participating in industry-academic-government collaboration.
A foundation that contributes to the biotechnology field by supporting young researchers
Advancing science and technology is important for Japan to develop socially and economically into the future. Toyobo group began to focus on the life science such as biotechnology fields when these fields were still new to Japan. In order to encourage scientific research in the biotechnology field and to contribute to society through the results of this research, in May 1982 we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the company by establishing the Toyobo Biotechnology Foundation (hereafter “the Foundation”) and since then, we have been holding study groups and symposiums, and providing research subsidies. Since the establishment of the Foundation to the present day, its efforts have been supported by academics working on the front lines of this field, many of whom have served as directors and advisors. In recent years, the biotechnology field has grown compared to the time when the Foundation was established. We are concentrating activities on research subsidies for those studying abroad, as support for young researchers who will shoulder the future of the field.
One feature of the Foundation's research grants is no restrictions on the use of the funds.
This is because we want to provide comprehensive support for young researchers who are venturing overseas for the first time. From the reports provided by the researchers we sponsor, we can see that they are vigorously engaging in their research activities.
In FY2023, six young researchers were granted long-term research subsidies totaling 33 million yen, with a presentation ceremony held on December 13, 2023. With the current fiscal year included, a total of 220 researchers have received long-term research subsidies. Recipients are active on the front lines of the biotechnology and education fields and some of them want to contribute to the cultivation of the next generation of researchers by serving as directors and advisors of the Foundation.
Recipients of FY2023 long-term research subsidies and other people connected to the Foundation
58th L-GRANT Research "Toyobo Polymer Science Award" selected
On February 22, 2023, the Toyobo Polymer Science Award ceremony was held at the Research Center.
Using the mechanism of the Leave a Nest Research Fund operated by Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.*1, this award was established as an open research grant system in FY2022 to support the research fields and personnel sought by Toyobo group. The current fiscal year marked the second year of the awards.
Based on our desire to change the world with people who passionately advance steady materials research rather than just the applied development that is often required by competitive research funds in recent years, we set basic and general-purpose research on polymer materials as the target field. There were over 40 entries, surpassing the 30 received in the previous fiscal year, and two were selected for the Toyobo Polymer Science Award and one for the Encouragement Award.
The three award winners were invited to the Research Center lecture room for presentations on the award-winning themes and a Q&A session with the many Center members in attendance, along with the awarding of letters and plaques of commendation. A tour of the Center and a reception party further deepened the exchanges.
Award winners and our company's concerned personnel
Support for initiatives such as the Shiga Tech Planter R&D startup support program and the Shiga Junior Research Grant next generation cultivation project through the Shiga-based Growth Business Identification and Cultivation Consortium
The Shiga-based Growth Business Identification and Cultivation Consortium (hereafter “the Consortium”) is an industry-academic-government collaborative organization that aims to encourage industry in Shiga and revitalize the region by creating a framework for generating a succession of industries that leverage the prefecture's strengths and help them grow. As Toyobo group has a Research Center and the Otsu Pharmaceuticals Plant in Shiga prefecture, we support the aims of the consortium and we have been a partner company of Shiga Tech Planter, an R&D startup support program for cultivating the next generation of researchers, engineers, and entrepreneurs, and the Shiga Tech Plan Gran Prix, a business plan contest run by the program, since the start. We have been a partner of the consortium leading the "Shiga Junior Research Grant" since its inception, which aims to support the research activities of junior and senior high school students in Shiga Prefecture. The Consortium supports the Grant aiming to develop human resources who will be leaders in the creation of next-generation industry.
The Toyobo Prize for "DAC PLA" at the 8th Shiga Tech Plan Grand Prix
On 29 July 2023, the "8th Shiga Tech Plan Grand Prix" was held at the Otsu Prince Hotel in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, as an event of 8th SHIGA TECH PLANTER.
This time, the Toyobo Prize was awarded to Behomal Co., Ltd. for the development of CO2 adsorption/desorption plastic "DAC* PLA”. Biomass-derived CO2 adsorption/desorption materials are kneaded into plastics and used in tableware and interior decorations to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. Ideas such as releasing the absorbed CO2 during washing and drying and using the recovered CO2 to promote the growth of planter plants were presented.
The Toyobo Prize was awarded in recognition of the fact that CO2 emissions reduction is a major issue for our company and that the proposed solutions to social issues based on the fusion of biomass materials and plastic molding and processing technology are aligned with our company policy.
- DAC (Direct Air Capturing): A technology to reduce CO2 concentration by directly capturing CO2 in the atmosphere. Large-scale demonstration facilities have already begun operating in countries around the world.
Toyobo Prize was awarded.
The "5th Shiga Junior Research Grant, Results Presentation" was held
On February 11, 2023, the 5th Shiga Junior Research Grant Results Presentation, hosted by the Consortium for Discovery and Development of Growth Industries from Shiga, was held at Collabo Shiga 21 in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture. A member of our Corporate Research Center who is also a third-term student of the Mirai Jinzai Juku, participated as a judge.
Although research was suspended amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the schools' students delivered exciting presentations based on painstaking research, seeking answers to "why" questions inspired by the activities of their seniors. A poster session was also held, with junior high and high school students holding wonderful discussions in front of the posters.
The Toyobo Prize was awarded to Moriyama Municipal Moriyama Junior High School for "Proving the effectiveness of waterweed as a fertiliser using hydroponics".
Award winners and our company's concerned personnel
We provide an internship program that lets students deepen their understanding of work, companies, and society through on-site working experience.
Our one-day course for office work-related positions is a program that lets interns gain an image of work through experiences such as sales staff work and round-table discussions with our employees. Our 3- to 4-day course for engineering-related positions lets interns interact with engineering-related employees at our business sites and laboratories and experience design and R&D work involving production equipment.
Contribution to local communities
As a manufacturer of materials, Toyobo group provides a variety of information for the peace of mind of local communities and engages in educational and awareness-raising activities for residents. We undertake activities that support the creation of flourishing towns and cities, advancing together with communities as a good corporate citizen.
Toward that end, all of our business sites actively participate in cultural events to contribute to the vitalization of communities and hold open house activities that let residents and employees' families learn about our group. Our business sites also work to employ local human resources for the vitalization of regions where we operate.
Visiting lecture for elementary school students to learn in a fun atmosphere
(Toyobo Packaging Operating Department)
On September 13, 2023, we conducted a visiting lecture entitled "How plastic films work" at the private Teikyo University Elementary School in Tokyo, Japan.
We introduced our business to 23 first grade elementary school students and explained in an easy-to-understand manner the types and features of plastic films, especially the functions that only plastic films can perform. The students experienced the difference between straight-cut and regular films by cutting with their hands.
After receiving an explanation of ”why it is better to cut straight,” the students made their own original bags using straight-cut film. They enjoyed learning about plastic film, with comments such as, "I want to make the same thing at home," and "It was so much fun, and I want to take the lesson again."
(A similar lecture was held at Kougai Elementary School in Tokyo in October.)
Now in its fourth year, this program focuses on teaching classes to lower elementary school students. The classes provide children with an opportunity to learn about the functions and roles of plastic films in a fun atmosphere through hands-on experience and workshops.
Visiting lecture at Teikyo University Elementary School
Introducing our company history to High School at Komaba, University of Tsukuba, second-year students researching the spinning industry of the Meiji period
(Toyobo General Administration Department)
On May 16, 2023, five second-year students from High School at Komaba, University of Tsukuba, visited our main office to interview General Manager of the General Administration Department.
Students in the high school's Comprehensive Exploration Time class set their own topics and conduct small-group research in the Kansai area. Choosing the spinning industry in the Meiji period as their topic, the five visitors had an interest in our company, the predecessor of which was the spinning company Osaka Boseki.
General Manager explained the ideas of Eiichi Shibusawa, the founder of Osaka Boseki and our company. The students asked questions including why Osaka Boseki had an advantage over other spinning companies, why Japan's spinning industry was able to develop rapidly, and what Toyobo intended as it branched out from spinning into related fields.
On the following day, May 17, students were taken to Mengyo Kaikan, a cotton industry hall in Chuo-ku, Osaka.
"Machi-Zemi" organized by the Tsuruga Chamber of Commerce and Industry: site tours conducted
(Toyobo Tsuruga Research and Production Center)
On March 3, 2023, we conducted a plant tour under the Tsuruga Machi Seminar* program of the Tsuruga Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
This year, 13 general residents of the city of Tsuruga took part. After receiving an overview of the worksite, participants toured the N Room (exhibition room) and the Tsuruga Film Plant, walking through the premises.
Many participants, who seemed to hold strong images of Toyobo as a company that makes textiles, reported being surprised to learn how items made at the Tsuruga Research and Production Center are in common use around them.
- Machi Seminar is a small-group free course in which store owners and companies in the city act as instructors to convey specialized knowledge and information to participants. The project is held nationwide with the aim of building relationships of trust between business operators and local residents through communication in the course.
Company tour by first-year students at Tsuruga High School
(Toyobo Tsuruga Research and Production Center)
On November 1, 2022, we held a company tour for 29 first-year students from the Department of Information Accounting at Tsuruga High School. The students' purpose in the tour was to learn about the facility's environment- and energy-related initiatives. In addition to an overview of the site, they listened to a lecture on the site's in-house power generation and on energy use around the world. The students showed great interest, asking questions such as why the site requires in-house power generation.
Company tour by the Kotobuki Class at Nishi Kominkan civic hall
(Toyobo Tsuruga Research and Production Center)
On October 11, 2022, the Tsuruga Research and Production Center received a visit by 51 members of the Kotobuki Class, a program of courses and classrooms held for elderly residents in the Nishi district of the city.
The visitors toured the exhibition room ”N Room” and on-site buses, and learned about the products and the scale of the site. Even long-term residents of Tsuruga commented that they hadn't had a good idea of what was being made at the site, and were finally able to find out.
“Career Passport" visiting lecture for elementary school students to learn in a fun environment
(Toyobo Packaging Operating Department)
On September 14, 2022, we conducted a visiting lecture entitled "The Role of Plastic Films and Environmental Responses" was held at the private Teikyo University Elementary School in Tokyo, Japan, as one of the "Career Passport "* programs.
We introduced our business to 24 second grade elementary school students and explained in an easy-to-understand manner the types and features of plastic films, especially the functions that only plastic films can perform. In addition, the students experienced peeling off the multi-layered films and conducted an odor leakage experiment using different materials, and at the end of the session, we called for ”recycling instead of littering after use.”
During the peeling experience, although the students struggled to peel off the film, they were able to experience how multiple layers of film are combined to form a single bag. The students said, "I want to try this with other bags for snacks," and "I will teach this to my mother back home," and enjoyed learning about plastic films.
(A similar lecture was held at Kougai Elementary School in Tokyo in October.)
- The "Career Passport" is a portfolio designed to enable students to self-evaluate their own transformation and growth by reviewing and reflecting on their own learning status and career development through various career education-related activities from elementary school to high school, with a focus on classroom and homeroom activities of special activities and back and forth with each subject.
Visiting lecture at Teikyo University Elementary School
Students experienced smell differences in an odor leakage experiment.
Visiting lecture on technology related to semipermeable membranes, and science careers
(Toyobo Corporate Sustainability Department, Environmental Solutions Operating Department, Iwakuni Membrane Plant)
On September 3, 2022, we conducted a visiting lecture for 23 students of Kobe Ryukoku Senior High School's Advanced Global Science Course on technology related to semipermeable membranes and science careers.
In the lecture titled "Osmosis Phenomenon with Semipermeable Membranes," the lecturers explained the phenomenon of osmosis and the function of semipermeable membranes using experimental equipment and introduced a seawater desalination plant and the semipermeable membrane manufacturing process in operation in an area where water is scarce. The students experienced how water is extracted from seawater using semipermeable membranes by using our "Aqua Hum Hum" reverse osmosis experience machine. In the latter half of the lecture, as part of their career education, the lecturers introduced how they became interested in the field of science, their student life, work at the company, and experiences overseas.
In a cordial atmosphere, students listened to the lecturers' explanations with an enthusiastic gaze and asked questions to them during breaks and after lecture. It was very impressive to see the students pedaling the "Aqua Humuhumu" pedals with great effort and laughing happily.
Students who took the lecture commented, “I had been looking forward to the lecture and was 'excited' the whole time”. “It gave me a chance to imagine what kind of company I would like to work for in the future." "I thought Toyobo is a wonderful company that contributes to the environment and the world.”
It was also a very good opportunity for our company members who participated in the visiting lecture. We will continue to create learning opportunities with the students who will lead the next generation.
Held "Summer Vacation Junior Science Class"
(Toyobo Iwakuni Production Center)
On August 5, 2022, we held "Summer Vacation Junior Science Class" jointly with Yamaguchi Industrial Promotion Foundation, inviting elementary and junior high school students from Yamaguchi Prefecture.
Yamaguchi prefecture holds "Summer Vacation Junior Science Classes" at various locations in the prefecture, asking universities and companies in the prefecture to hold these classes for the purpose of encouraging the development of human resources in the science field. Iwakuni Production Center also agreed with this program and held this class.
There were many more applicants than the maximum number. On the day of the event, 19 elementary and junior high school students and their parents participated in the class. During the experimental experience of osmosis using a semipermeable membrane, the children seemed relaxed thanks to the gentle and approachable talk of our employees who participated as instructors. Instructors, children, and parents cooperated with each other as they conducted the experiments, bringing the venue together. After the science class, we received many pleasant comments from the participants, such as "it was fun," and "I am glad I could make more friends.
Click here to investigate our past activities regarding contribution to local communities.