Social Contribution

Related ESG :
Partnership: Social contribution
Partnerships for the Goals

Management approach

Policy and approach

The TOYOBO Group Charter of Corporate Behavior declares that “we will actively participate in society and contribute to its development as a good corporate citizen.” It is our belief that fulfilling our responsibilities as a good corporate citizen and making investments for the future is one way for us to put our corporate principle of “Jun-Ri-Soku-Yu (Adhering to reason leads to prosperity)” into practice.
In fiscal 2024, we established the TOYOBO Group Social Contribution Policy to actively encourage employee participation. To build and support a better society as a member of that society, we will engage in the promotion of science and technology, environmental conservation, and communication with local communities, and will incorporate what we gain from these activities into our corporate activities.

Through our website and other means, we will communicate information that allows people to learn about our group’s thinking and its businesses.

<TOYOBO Group Social Contribution Policy>

1. Toyobo group will conduct social contribution activities based on the corporate principle of “Jun-Ri-Soku-Yu (Adhering to reason leads to prosperity),” contributing to a sustainable society and the group’s sustainable development.
2. Toyobo group will identify the promotion of science and technology, next generation development, environmental conservation, and contribution to local communities as key focus areas for social contribution activities, supporting “Innovation and the three Ps: Plant, People, and Prosperity” as outlined in our Sustainable Vision 2030.
3. Toyobo group will actively support the volunteer activities of employees.
4. Toyobo group will value bi-directional communication and partnerships with local communities, government bodies, NGOs, and NPOs.

<Focus areas>
-Next Generation Development: By conducting activities such as promoting science and technology through the Toyobo Biotechnology Foundation, we support the healthy development of youth who will lead the next generation primarily at operational sites, thereby contributing to the realization of a vibrant society.
-Environmental Conservation: With a focus primarily on operational sites, Toyobo group actively participates in environmental conservation efforts, contributing to society’s sustainable development.
-Contribution to Local Communities: As a responsible corporate citizen, the Toyobo group builds strong relationships with local communities around operational sites, engaging in dialogue and collaboration to earn trust and support.

Related policies:


Cultivating future generations

In order for our society to continue developing into the future, it is vital that we foster the human resources who will lead that future. Toward that end, our group is undertaking promotion of science and technology through research grants and other support via the Toyobo Biotechnology Foundation.

<Supporting science and technology>

A foundation that contributes to the biotechnology field by supporting young researchers

In 1982, Toyobo group established the Toyobo Biotechnology Foundation (hereafter “the Foundation”). Through activities such as research subsidies without restrictions on the use of funds, study groups, and symposiums, the Foundation has supported interdisciplinary research in the field of biotechnology. In recent years, we have also concentrated on research subsidies for those studying abroad, as support for young researchers who will shoulder the future of the field.

In FY2024, three young researchers were granted long-term research subsidies totaling 16.5 million yen. One recipient is working on the theme of new perspectives in Parkinson’s disease diagnosis. At a university hospital overseas, they are developing a new imaging diagnostic method for Parkinson’s disease, a type of neurodegenerative disorder, using probes labeled with radioactive isotopes. With the current fiscal year included, a total of 223 researchers have received long-term research subsidies. Recipients are active on the front lines of the biotechnology and education fields and some of them want to contribute to the cultivation of the next generation of researchers by serving as directors and advisors of the Foundation.

Recipients of FY2024 long-term research subsidies and other people connected to the Foundation

Recipients of FY2024 long-term research subsidies and other people connected to the Foundation

62th L-GRANT Research "Toyobo Polymer Science Award" selected

Using the mechanism of the Leave a Nest Research Fund operated by Leave a Nest Co., Ltd., Toyobo group established an open research grant system in FY2022, and through the awarding of the TOYOBO POLYMER SCIENCE Award, we support young researchers.

Based on our desire to highlight the work of researchers who passionately advance steady materials research, rather than just the applied development often required by competitive research funds in recent years, we have set basic and general-purpose research on polymer materials as the target field for three consecutive years.

Award winners and our company's concerned personnel

Award winners and our company's concerned personnel

Support for R&D startups and next generation cultivation through the Shiga-based Growth Business Identification and Cultivation Consortium

Toyobo group supports the goals of the Shiga-based Growth Business Identification and Cultivation Consortium (hereafter “the Consortium”), an industry-academic-government collaborative organization that aims to encourage industry in Shiga and revitalize the region. Since the start, we have been a partner company of the Consortium’s Shiga Tech Planter, an R&D startup support program, the Shiga Tech Plan Gran Prix, a business plan contest, and the Shiga Junior Research Grant, which aims to support the research activities of junior and senior high school students in Shiga Prefecture.
For detailed information on the latest Shiga Tech Plan Grand Prix and Shiga Junior Research Grant, please refer to the “Case Studies” section.

Shiga Tech Plan Grand Prix Toyobo Prize was awarded.

Shiga Tech Plan Grand Prix
Toyobo Prize was awarded.

Shiga Junior Research Grant Award winners and our company's concerned personnel

Shiga Junior Research Grant
Award winners and our company's concerned personnel

<Visiting lectures and career education>

Visiting lecture on plastic films (since FY2021)
(Toyobo Packaging Operating Department)

On September 13, 2023, we conducted a visiting lecture titled “How plastic films work” to 23 students at the private Teikyo University Elementary School in Tokyo, Japan.
We introduced our business and explained the types and features of plastic films, and conducted a workshop where participants used films that allow for precise straight-line cutting to create their own original bags. Participants expressed interest in recreating the workshop activities at home and expressed a desire for future sessions, indicating they enjoyed the learning experience.

Visiting lecture at Teikyo University Elementary School

Visiting lecture at Teikyo University Elementary School

Visiting lecture on technology related to semipermeable membranes, and science careers
(Aqua Membrane Sales Unit, Iwakuni Environment and Fiber Plant, TOYOBO MC Corporation
Toyobo Corporate Sustainability Department, Green Transformation Promotion Department)

On June 1, 2024, we conducted a visiting lecture for 67 students of Kobe Ryukoku Junior High School related to semipermeable membranes and science careers.
In the lecture on semipermeable membranes, we explained the phenomenon of osmosis, the function of semipermeable membranes, and introduced the semipermeable membrane manufacturing process at a seawater desalination plant in operation in an area where water is scarce. The students experienced how water is extracted from seawater using semipermeable membranes by using our “Aqua Hum Hum” reverse osmosis experience machine. Additionally, the lecturers introduced our sustainability initiatives, insights from employees about their student life, work at the company, and experiences overseas as part of career education.

A scene from the lecture

A scene from the lecture

Demonstration of reverse osmosis using Aqua Hum Hum

Demonstration of reverse osmosis using Aqua Hum Hum

Collaborative research with Yokkaichi Agricultural High School utilizing waste materials
(Miyuki Keori Co., Ltd.)

Since December 2021, Miyuki Keori Co., Ltd., a group company, has been collaborating with approximately 20 students from Mie Prefectural Yokkaichi Agricultural High School (with about 10 participants from Miyuki Keori Co., Ltd.) on a joint research project called “Wool Agri,” which utilizes wool waste as fertilizer. Experimental vegetable cultivation is being carried out in fields containing this waste material, with ongoing analysis of the size, color, and taste of harvested vegetables. Additionally, contributions are being made to the factory’s personnel recruitment efforts through this joint research.

Agricultural work with the students

Agricultural work with the students

<Other initiatives>

Toyobo Packaging Operating Department

  • Visiting lecture on plastics at Minato Ward’s Kogai Elementary School in Tokyo (October 2023)

Toyobo Tsuruga Research and Production Center

  • Visiting lecture for 31 students at Kutsumi Elementary School in Tsuruga City using our product BREATHAIR® (October 2023)
  • Simple practical training in biology using micro-pipettes for 20 students from the Faculty of Education at the University of Fukui (September 2023)

Toyobo Iwakuni Production Center

  • Conducted a Junior Summer Science Camp jointly with the Yamaguchi Industrial Promotion Foundation

Miyuki Keori Co., Ltd.

  • Collaborated with Marushige Shimizu Seicha Co., Ltd. to utilize wool waste as fertilizer in tea gardens (since 2022)
  • Implemented an upcycling project using scrap fabric in collaboration with Aichi Prefecture Selp Center (since 2021)

Environmental conservation

Click here to investigate our initiatives regarding environmental conservation.

Contribution to local communities

As a manufacturer of materials, Toyobo group provides a variety of information for the peace of mind of local communities and engages in educational and awareness-raising activities for residents. We undertake activities that contribute to creating flourishing towns and cities, advancing together with communities as a good corporate citizen.
Toward that end, the group collaborates with government bodies and industry organizations to provide support to disaster-affected areas, participates in cultural events in the vicinity of our facilities, and holds open house activities that let residents learn about our group’s businesses and initiatives. Our business sites also work to employ local human resources for the vitalization of regions where we operate.

<Providing disaster relief>

Support following the Noto Peninsula Earthquake

Toyobo group provided support to the areas affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake in 2024 through various initiatives: a donation of 10 million yen via the Japanese Red Cross Society, approximately 300 cold-weather emergency sleeping bags using BREATHAIR® manufactured and sold by TOYOBO MC Corporation, and emergency toilet sets named “Nioi Bye-Bye Bags” using our own product, the next-generation polyester film Olyester® , which were supplied as relief materials through the nonprofit organization Peace Winds Japan to the affected areas. We will continue to provide appropriate support in collaboration with government bodies and industry organizations according to the circumstances of the disaster.

Distributing relief supplies (Photo courtesy of Peace Winds Japan)

Distributing relief supplies (Photo courtesy of Peace Winds Japan)

<Company tours and workplace experiences>

Factory tours for local community associations
(Toyobo Iwakuni Production Center)

On November 7, 2023, we conducted a factory tour at the Iwakuni Production Center for 13 members of a local community association focused on environmental and traffic safety.
At the Iwakuni Production Center, we promote locally rooted operations and regularly conduct factory tours for local residents to deepen their understanding of our business activities. On this occasion, we focused on introducing newly established facilities, including the private thermal power plant that began operations in October 2023, a disaster preparedness training center, which emphasizes the importance of safety and disaster prevention, and the Multifunctional Nonwoven Fabric Center, where high-performance melt-blown nonwoven fabrics are developed and manufactured.


Tour of the private thermal power plant

“Machi-Zemi” site tour
(Toyobo Tsuruga Research and Production Center)

On March 3, 2024, we conducted a plant tour under the Tsuruga Machi Seminar* program of the Tsuruga Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
This year, five general residents of the city of Tsuruga took part. After receiving an overview of the worksite, participants toured the exhibition room and the Tsuruga Film Plant, walking through the premises.
Many participants reported being surprised to learn how items made at the Tsuruga Research and Production Center are in common use around them.

  • Machi Seminar is a small-group free course in which store owners and company employees in the city act as instructors to convey specialized knowledge and information to participants. The project is held nationwide with the aim of building relationships of trust between business operators and local residents through communication in the course.

Visiting the exhibition room

Visiting the exhibition room

<Other initiatives>

Toyobo Tsuruga Research and Production Center, Tokyo Branch, Nagoya Branch

  • Site tour for 16 elementary school students (including parents) in Tsuruga City, featuring a workshop using film (March 2024)

Toyobo Inuyama Plant

  • Site tour for third-year students from Komaki High School of Technology and Engineering(June 2023)

Cosmo Denshi Co., Ltd.

  • Twice a year, hosting two students each from Shiohama Junior High School and Yokkaichi Technical High School, allowing them to experience light manufacturing processes
    (June 2024, and planned for November 2024)

Toyo Cloth Co., Ltd.

  • Site tour for approximately 10 students from Sano Technology High School(December 2023)

<Solution offering>

Utilization of functional cushion material, BREATHAIR® , at zoos (TOYOBO MC Corporation)

In Kobe Oji Zoo, TOYOBO MC Corporation’s functional cushion material, BREATHAIR®, is being utilized to reduce pressure sores for elderly bears with mobility issues. BREATHAIR® has been used in Shinkansen seat covers and bedding mattresses. Looking ahead, it will be supplied not only to zoos but also to nursing facilities and medical institutions.

A bear named Rokuji enjoys a meal on its BREATHAIR® mattress

A bear named Rokuji enjoys a meal on its BREATHAIR® mattress

Click here to investigate our case studies regarding contribution to local communities.