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  • Integrated “TOYOBO REPORT 2021” released

Integrated “TOYOBO REPORT 2021” released

Oct 15, 2021 Company

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Toyobo Co., Ltd. has released its integrated report, “TOYOBO REPORT 2021.” It intelligibly introduces the Group’s process of value creation in accordance with the International Integrated Reporting Framework announced by the International Integrated Reporting Council, IIRC.

Contents of the report has been enhanced; it introduces the Group’s efforts in safety, disaster prevention and quality assurance to restore their trust. It also contains information on the group’s policy for strengthening human capital such as a reform of the personnel system and a promotion on women’s participation and advancement.

Toyobo will proactively use this report – which deals with its growth strategies for value creation and the outline of its business operations – in dialogues with stockholders, investors and other stakeholders to improve its corporate value.


This report’s main contents


- Introduction
  Our origins, Who we are, Where we are heading, CEO message,
  Fire prevention measures, Response to the quality misconduct incident

- Value Creation Process
  Value creation process, Materiality, CSV examples by solution

- Value Creation Strategy
  Director dialogue, KAERU Project, Strengthening human capital,
  Toyobo’s promotion of women’s participation and advancement,
  The future our R&D is creating, Overview by solution

- The Basis of Value Creation
  Environmental policy & activities, Social contribution policy & activities,
  Governance policy & activities

- Overview of Fiscal 2021


“TOYOBO REPORT 2021” can be downloaded from the links below.

- English version:

- Japanese version:

For more information, contact

Public Relations Group, Corporate Communication Department, Toyobo Co., Ltd.


Cautionary Statement

This website contains forward-looking statements that reflect Toyobo's plans and expectations. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause Toyobo's actual results, performance, achievements or financial position to be materially different from any future results, performance, achievements or financial position expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.