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  • Toyobo Group’s integrated report, “TOYOBO REPORT 2024” released

Toyobo Group’s integrated report, “TOYOBO REPORT 2024” released

Oct 04, 2024 Company

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Toyobo Co., Ltd. has released its integrated report, “TOYOBO REPORT 2024,” and posted it on its website. The report, which is based on Toyobo’s long-term vision for 2030, “Sustainable Vision 2030*1,” and “2025 Medium-term Management Plan*2,” explains how Toyobo plans to achieve its goal of becoming a “group that continues to create the solutions needed by people and the earth.”

Specifically, the report elaborates on its value creation process, explaining how the Group will create and enhance values through business operations from multiple perspectives, including those from the company’s strengths, various assets and business models. Furthermore, it introduces its undertakings aimed at facilitating steady progress in Toyobo’s corporate and business strategies by carrying various features and reports on various roundtable discussions. These are examples of improved content designed to deepen stakeholder’s understanding of Toyobo’s sources of strength in regaining its earning power and attaining “affluence” under the corporate philosophy of “Jun-Ri-Soku-Yu (Adhering to Reason Leads to Prosperity).”


the cover of Toyobo report 2024

The cover of TOYOBO REPORT 2024


Toyobo Group’s goal is to become a “sustainable company that helps promote sustainability” under its “Sustainable Vision 2030.” We will proactively use this report, which introduces attempts to realize that goal, during dialogues with stockholders, investors and many other stakeholders to help them deepen their understanding of the Group’s various measures. We are committed to sustainably enhancing our corporate value.

*1 Toyobo “Sustainable Vision 2030” https://www.toyobo-global.com/sustainability/group_sustainability/vision/
*2 Toyobo “2025 Medium-Term Management Plan” https://ir.toyobo.co.jp/en/ir/library/plan.html

This report’s main contents

- Introduction Editorial Policy, Corporate Philosophy Framework|Sustainable Vision 2030
- CEO Message  
- Source of Value Creation The Evolution and Progress of Toyobo’s Technology, At a Glance, Value Creation Process,
Toyobo’s Strengths, Capital and Business Model
- Value Creation Strategy Toyobo group Vision, Materiality, Risks, Opportunities, and Materiality in Achieving the Vision,
Overview of the 2025 Medium-Term Management Plan, CFO Message, Financial and Capital Strategy
- Practicing Value Creation Human Resources Strategy, Innovation Strategy, Green Strategy, Business Strategy
- Foundation of Value Creation Sustainability Management, Safety and Disaster Prevention, Quality, etc.
- Corporate Governance  


“TOYOBO REPORT 2024” (English version) can be downloaded from the link below.


For more information, contact

Public Relations Group, Corporate Communication Department, Toyobo Co., Ltd.


Cautionary Statement

This website contains forward-looking statements that reflect Toyobo's plans and expectations. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause Toyobo's actual results, performance, achievements or financial position to be materially different from any future results, performance, achievements or financial position expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.