Sustainable Vision 2030

Sustainable Vision 2030

In May 2022, Toyobo observed the 140th anniversary of its founding. We launched our Sustainable Vision 2030 and 2025 Medium-Term Management Plan.

Sustainable Vision 2030 anticipates changes in the business environment of the future and shows the ideal state we seek based on our corporate philosophy, as well as our sustainability indicators and action plans. We want to be a sustainable company that helps promote sustainability, while changing our corporate culture to one oriented toward sustainable growth.

Realizing Sustainable Growth

Toyobo has formulated Sustainable Vision 2030 in May 2022 to achieve sustainable growth while moving away from survival thinking that overemphasizes short-term results. Through innovation and the 3Ps (people, planet, and prosperity), we aim to usher in both a prosperous society and the enhancement of corporate value by making contributions to solving social issues.

From survival thinking
Deficits are bad, surpluses are good
to sustainable-growth orientation
  • Contributing to social sustainability
  • Becoming a sustainable (growing) company

In formulating the vision

We have formulated this vision with a strong determination to make sustainability the cornerstone of our management. The subtitle of our long-term vision is "Achieving Sustainable Growth". Going forward, we will make a major shift to a "sustainable growth orientation," moving away from the culture of "survival thinking" that was fostered during the long-term structural reform period, in other words, away from an emphasis on short-term results.

Our company's "Sustainable Growth" has two meanings. The first is that our company itself is sustainable and sustainable. The second is to improve the sustainability of society. "Sustainable Growth" expresses our desire to realize the former by contributing to the latter.

Our Vision for 2030
- Realization of a "prosperous" society where people can live with peace of mind and a spiral increase in corporate value -

From the perspective of sustainability, which is a global issue, we have clarified more specifically "in what areas and how we will contribute to sustainability."

The "ideal state" of our group in 2030 is a state of spiral improvement, in which we realize a "prosperous" society where people can live with peace of mind by solving the following five social issues, and as a result, our corporate value will also increase.

“Jun-Ri-soku-Yu” : adhering to reason leads to prosperity

Challenges toward the future ー Solving five social issues ー

With an eye on various environmental changes and issues, we forecast how the business environment will evolve in the next 10 years. Based on these forecasts, we have established "five social issues" that the group can contribute to solving, such as human rights throughout the supply chain, people's health, creating comfortable spaces, and realizing a decarbonized society. We will contribute to solving these issues through our own endeavors and by providing solutions.

"People: contributing to solutions for social issues in a humancentric way"

  1. Employee well-being and human rights in the supply chain
  2. A healthy lifestyle and health care
  3. Smart communities and comfortable spaces

"Planet: contributing to solutions for social issues in consideration of the entire Earth"

  1. A decarbonized and circular society
  2. Quality water areas, air and soil, and the preservation of biodiversity

Sustainability goals by social issue

Five Social Issues

Employee well-being and
human rights in the
supply chain

FY2031 target
  • Zero industrial accidents in workplaces
  • Certification as a “Top 500 Company” for Outstanding Health and Productivity Management by FY2026
  • Employee engagement score: over 70%
  • Respect for human rights across the entire supply chain
  • Expanding and improving educational and training systems for employees

A healthy lifestyle and
health care

  • Number of tests conducted by the provision of infectious disease diagnostics: 10 million per year
  • Number of dialysis patients provided with dialysis membranes: 250,000
  • Share in the market of raw materials for biochemical and other tests: 30%
  • Number of patients provided with regenerative inducers: 100,000 per year
  • Proliferation and expanded sales of 3D network-structured fiber materials in the medical and nursing care fields

Smart communities and
comfortable spaces

  • Sales volume of product groups supporting DX: 1.5-fold increase over FY2021
  • Total sales of car cabin air filters: 1.2 million units
  • Creation of a comfortable space inside electric vehicles through sound and heat management

A decarbonized and
circular society

A decarbonized society
  • Cutting emissions in Scope 1 & 2 by over 46% in FY2031 vs FY2014
    Net zero in FY2051 (Avoided emissions > Amount of GHG emissions throughout the entire value chain)
  • Entry into new solution fields
    Osmotic power generation, offshore cables and insulating resin for wind power generation, adhesive sheets for cells used in fuel cell vehicles, electrode materials for large storage batteries, hydrogen-related materials, etc
A circular society
  • Achieve final disposal rate from business activities: less than 1%
  • Ratio of green films: 60%
  • Join resource circulation ecosystem (R PLUS JAPAN)

Quality water areas, air and
soil, and preservation of

  • Air volume treated by the volatile organic compound recovery unit: 7 billion Nm3 per year
  • Desalination of sea water by membrane: equivalent to the volume of tap water for 10 million people
  • Sales volume of highly functional films that contribute to reducing food loss: fourfold increase over FY2021
“Employees' well-being and human rights in the supply chain” corresponds to the materialities of “human capital” and “safety and disaster prevention.”
Others correspond to their similarly named materialities.

For achieving sustainable vision 2030 ー the people at our worksites ー

Being a company where each and every person works with a sense of pride and purpose is fundamentally essential to achieving sustainable growth. The people at our worksites are naturally the central players in the long-term vision. The long-term vision shows clearly the company what we want to be and the areas we want to contribute. Linking the work in front of us to company's future gives meaning to the work each of us is doing so we can all make the vision our own.